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the mess ... to your

guiding you through 


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permission to leap

I see you struggling when no one’s looking. Saying you’re fine and maybe even believing it. Safe, fed and having all you need, you feel guilty for wanting more. Yet… you can no longer deny the persistent voice within that does want more. And you know, deep down, that in order to remember and radiate your true light, you first must delve into the dark.


This deep-healing stuff isn’t for the faint of heart, straight up. So if you’re feeling lost, alone and afraid on your journey—welcome to the club! You’re in the right place. The good news is you don’t have to do this dirty work alone. 

it's time to go for the gold

Around here, we celebrate the messy bits of life. Experience has taught me that it’s in the dark, under pressure where we finally get serious about what it takes (hard work!) to transform the lead of our life into spiritual gold.


Having myself earned a PhD in Hard Knocks (with honors!), my speciality as an Energy Alchemist is to serve as a luminary on your healing path—lighting the way and inspiring you to turn your magic ALL the way up! Are you ready for that? Hell yes?! Let’s get to work then.


about me

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I’m a little bit weird, and a whole lotta real. If normal is what you’re looking for, then I’m likely not your girl.

But if you’re looking for someone authentic af to empower you on your healing path—look no further.

As an Energy Alchemist with a big heart and a mouth to match, I'm all about radical self-acceptance, getting real about what’s not working in your life, and doing the deep work of transmuting your mess into your magic. I have a straight-shooting (albeit weird) approach to supporting and inspiring you in turning your ugliest stuff into the soul-level magic you’re craving.

The most important thing to me is authentic human connection. It doesn’t need to be pretty, but it needs to be real. I walk my talk and live my life the way I teach—with passion and fuck ups and grace and so much love.

That’s me! Now—let’s talk about you and exactly how I can help you.

client love

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